Burt, John


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1865  243  2022 (84) 6
1866  234  2058 (80) 2
1867  214  2071 (80) 0
1868  215  2085 (78) 0
1869  206  2098 (74) 0
1870  208  2111 (68) 0
1871  210  2125 (59) 10
1872  198  2137 (60) 0
1873  190  2150 (56) 7
1874  174  2175 (57) 11
1875  177  2184 (67) 0
1876  163  2193 (73) 0
1877  147  2202 (77) 0
1878  140  2211 (79) 0
1879  131  2220 (79) 0
1880  133  2229 (78) 0
1881  143  2238 (75) 0
1882  141  2247 (70) 0
1883  149  2256 (62) 2
1884  163  2257 (53) 12
1885  162  2262 (55) 9
1886  169  2253 (64) 4
1887  175  2255 (73) 0
1888  183  2257 (80) 3

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Burt, John Norman  
Born: 1834
Died: 11 Apr. 1888
Gaige says died age c53. John Richards (Introduction to 'The Bristol Chess Club') says died age 55. Given as 'T. Burt' in the Illustrated London News of 12 Nov. 1870 (p.507), or was that a different Burt? The Chess Player's Magazine of Feb. 1865 (p.57) has 'Burtt' playing for Bristol. I am guessing that this was J.N. Burt. The Chess Players' Quarterly Chronicle of Feb. 1869 (vol.1, p.133) and Apr. 1869 (vol.1, p.186) has 'J. Birt' of Bristol. I am guessing that this, too, was J.N. Burt.
   Burt, Bristol Chess Club, page 13, 26
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 956
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 59
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 85, 258
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 215
   Winter, Kings, Commoners and Knaves, page 10
   [CPC], vol. 3, no. 3, June 1872, page 89
   [CPC], vol. 3, no. 9, June 1873, page 283
   [CPM], vol. 1, no. 2, Feb. 1865, page 57
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 11, Nov. 1866, page 325
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 12, Dec. 1866, page 370
   [CPQC], vol. 1, no. 3, 18 July 1868, page 86
   [CPQC], vol. 1, no. 5, Feb. 1869, page 133
   [CPQC], vol. 1, no. 6, Apr. 1869, page 186
   [CPQC], vol. 1, no. 10, Dec. 1869, page 313
   [Era], vol. 33, no. 1717, 20 Aug. 1871, page 7
   [ILN], vol. 57, no. 1622, 12 Nov. 1870, page 507
   [ILN], vol. 60, no. 1709, 8 June 1872, page 555
   [WDP], 14 Sep. 1927, page 8
   [WP], vol. 4, no. 3, 1 July 1871, page 43
   Burt, John.  [The Bristol Chess Club]
   Sericano, C.  [Malvern 1871]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Lowenthal, J.J. - Burt, J.N. (1) 1866         (c)     0   -   2      Lowenthal, J.J. gave odds of a knight

Tournament data

Bath 1865     Bristol - Bath Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Kennedy, H.A.     0.5 - 0.5          Kennedy, H.A. gave odds of a knight
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Cowdry (1)     2 - 1    
Bath and Bristol 1865     Bath and Bristol Handicap     0  /  2      odds player in a knight class
Cardiff 1871     Cardiff - Bristol Athenaeum Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Fedden, N.     0 - 1    
Malvern 1871 (1)     2nd Counties Chess Association Meeting, 3rd British Chess Association Challenge Cup     4  /  9
Bristol 1873 (2)     4th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Handicap Tournament    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Minchin, J.I.     0 - 1    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Wayte, W.     0 - 1          Wayte, W. gave odds of pawn and move
Bristol 1873 (3)     4th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Section A     2  /  5
Birmingham 1874 (3)     5th Counties Chess Association Meeting - 2nd Class     10.5  /  12
Birmingham 1874 (4)     5th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Handicap    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Skipworth, A.B.     0 - 1          Skipworth, A.B. gave odds of pawn and move
Bath 1883     Bath - Bristol and Clifton Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Mills, D.Y.     2 - 0    
Bath 1884 (1)     Bath - Bristol and Clifton Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Harsant, W.H.     0.5 - 1.5    
Bath 1884 (4)     14th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Class I, Division 2     6  /  10
Bristol 1885     Bath - Bristol and Clifton Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Mills, D.Y.     1 - 1    
Hereford 1885 (2)     15th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Class IB     2.5  /  5
Hereford 1885 (6)     15th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Handicap Tournament    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Ranken, C.E.     1 - 0          Ranken, C.E. gave odds of pawn and move
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Rudge, Ms. M.     1 - 0          Burt, J.N. (1) gave odds of pawn and move
Clifton 1886     Bath - Bristol and Clifton Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Jones, G.H.D.     1.5 - 0.5    
Bath 1886     Bath - Bristol and Clifton Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Harsant, W.H.     1 - 1    
Clifton 1888 (1)     Bristol and Clifton - City Chess and Draughts Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Fedden, N.     1.5 - 0.5    
Clifton 1888 (2)     Bath - Bristol and Clifton Club Match    
  Burt, J.N. (1) - Leonard, H.L.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 3 Apr. 2022