Hymes, Edward


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1889  119  2312 (89) 3
1890  121  2317 (81) 1
1891  108  2337 (73) 1
1892  97  2356 (65) 1
1893  70  2386 (55) 4
1894  52  2413 (46) 17
1895  47  2426 (49) 7
1896  52  2410 (52) 5
1897  56  2404 (56) 1
1898  59  2402 (55) 3
1899  61  2399 (54) 3
1900  62  2398 (50) 13
1901  70  2384 (57) 3
1902  107  2343 (63) 3
1903  132  2318 (70) 2
1904  181  2289 (79) 0
1905  241  2260 (86) 2

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Hymes, Edward  
Born: 13 Sep. 1871
Died: 14 May 1938
The New York Tribune of 28 Jul. 1895 (p.15) has 'Albin Edward Hymes' in one place. Is this correct?
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 183
   Hilbert and Lahde, Albert Beauregard Hodges, page 122
   Hilbert, Emil Kemeny, page 117, 252
   Hilbert, Young Marshall, page 250
   Urcan, Adolf Albin in America, page 100
   Walker, New Jersey Chess Association, page 9
   Winter, A Chess Omnibus, page 86
   [NSC], 24 Feb. 1889
   [NYS], 5 Nov. 1891
   [NYTr], 28 July 1895, page 15
   Sericano, C.  [Maestri di scacchi dell'800]
   Urcan, Olimpiu G.  [Living the American Dream: Julius Finn], page 8

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Steinitz, W. - Hymes, E. 1898         (c)     1.5   -   0.5
Janowsky, D.M. - Hymes, E. 1899         (f)     1   -   0
Marshall, F.J. - Hymes, E. 1900         (c)     1   -   1
Lasker, Em. - Hymes, E. 1901         (f)     0.5   -   0.5
Lasker, Em. - Hymes, E. 1902         (f)     1   -   0

Tournament data

Plainfield 1889     4th New Jersey State Tournament - Section A     4  /  4
New Brunswick and Elizabeth 1890     5th New Jersey State Tournament - Championship    
  Hymes, E. - Keyes, R.B.     0 - 1    
New York 1891 (5)     New Jersey - Manhattan Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Hanham, J.M.     0.5 - 0.5    
Newark 1892     New Jersey - Manhattan Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Hanham, J.M.     0 - 1    
New York 1893 (1)     15th New York State Championship    
  Hymes, E. - Delmar, E. (1)     0.5 - 0.5    
  Hymes, E. - Young, J.W. (1)     0 - 1    
New York 1893 (3)     Newark - New York City Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Hodges, A.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Newark 1893     Newark - New York City Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Hodges, A.B.     1 - 0    
New York 1894 (2)     16th New York State Championship    
  Hymes, E. - Gossip, G.H.D.     1 - 0    
  Hymes, E. - Simonson, G.     0 - 1    
  Hymes, E. - Halpern, J.C.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1894 (3)     Brooklyn Club - New York City Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Teed, F.M.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1894 (4)     Brooklyn Club - New York City Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Teed, F.M.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1894 (5)     Brooklyn Club - Newark Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Hodges, A.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Newark 1894     Brooklyn Club - Newark Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Bradford, R.F.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1894 (6)     New York Tournament     6  /  10
New York 1895 (1)     Newark - New York City Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Jasnogrodsky, N.     1 - 0    
Newark 1895 (1)     Brooklyn Club - Newark Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Pillsbury, H.N.     0.5 - 0.5    
Newark 1895 (2)     Newark - Metropolitan Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Albin, A.     1 - 0    
New York 1895 (10)     New York State Championship     2  /  3
New York 1895 (11)     Manhattan - Newark Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Baird, J.W.     1 - 0    
New York 1896 (2)     18th New York State Chess Association Midwinter Meeting - Championship     2.5  /  4
London, England and New York 1896     1st Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Locock, C.D.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England and New York 1897     2nd Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Mills, D.Y.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England and New York 1898     3rd Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Atkins, H.E.     0.5 - 0.5    
London, England and New York 1899 (1)     4th Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Mills, D.Y.     0.5 - 0.5    
Philadelphia 1899 (3)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Robinson, D.S.     1 - 0    
London, England and New York 1900     5th Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Mills, D.Y.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1900 (4)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Young, J.W. (1)     1 - 0    
New York 1900 (5)     Manhattan Club Sexangular Tournament     3.5  /  9
London, England and New York 1901     6th Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Atkins, H.E.     1 - 0    
Philadelphia 1901 (4)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Kaiser, J.A.     1 - 0    
London, England and New York 1902     7th Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Mills, D.Y.     0.5 - 0.5    
New York 1902 (2)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Kemeny, E.     0 - 1    
London, England and New York 1903     8th Anglo-American Cable Match    
  Hymes, E. - Bellingham, G.E.H.     0 - 1    
Philadelphia or New York (?) 1903     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Bampton, S.W.     1 - 0    
New York and Chicago 1905 (1)     Manhattan Club - Chicago Club Telegraph Match    
  Hymes, E. - Jelinek, V.     0 - 1    
Philadelphia 1905 (1)     Franklin Chess Club - Manhattan Chess Club Match    
  Hymes, E. - Pillsbury, H.N.     0 - 1    

Player information updated: 18 Mar. 2024